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We Rave You, leading as one of the most prominent and reputable networks in the ...
The world's foremost authority on EDM : free music downloads, artist interviews,...
” Everything you need to know about the latest technology and innovotions for electronic music production.”
Posted: 15 May, 16:24 by Linear Kaos in Technology and Gear,
iZotope has released RX 11, the latest version of their audio repair toolkit. ?...
Posted: 15 May, 11:32 by Linear Kaos in Technology and Gear,
AlphaTheta has upgraded rekordbox for Mac/Windows to Version 7.0 - the DJ softw...
Posted: 16 May, 15:10 by Linear Kaos in Technology and Gear,
Behringer has announced the 369 Two Channel Precision Stereo Compressor and Lim...