Anthem for a New Generation

GuruLeGroove December 15, 2023 2 likes 4 Comments 19 total played downloads


Label N/A
Collab/Remixers N/A
LET EVERY NATION KNOW; the torch has passed to a New Generation....... a radio message from the past is just as poignant today.
The Anthem of a New Generation
1 1
,  reacted to this
Linear Kaos
Hmm, We might have to figure out the @mentions
Linear Kaos
Hmm, We might have to figure out the @mentions as I can’t tag Pedro or Karakter, guess it’s since they are not following me. We saw this a good privacy feature to not be bombarded with notifications, but as we intend on opening up, maybe we should have an option for that instead and have the default to let everyone do a @mention
Linear Kaos
Anthony Cairns
Nice vibes here!