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We Rave You, leading as one of the most prominent and reputable networks in the ...
The world's foremost authority on EDM : free music downloads, artist interviews,...
Posted: 29 June, 17:35 by Linear Kaos in New Music Releases,
When Daft Punk formed in 1993, they were teenagers with synthesizers, a far cry ...
Posted: 24 April, 15:48 by Linear Kaos in New Music Releases,
Other big names from around the dance music world confirmed for this year's Outs...
Posted: 09 May, 15:57 by Linear Kaos in New Music Releases,
Short and sweet, the single driven by a Lewis' buoyant vocal tone and a funky gu...
Posted: 17 February, 23:21 by Linear Kaos in New Music Releases,
The event space features a 360° projection-mapped entertainment space....
Posted: 21 June, 19:07 by Linear Kaos in New Music Releases,
The single's release marks the launch of the streaming giant's "Spotify Singles"...
Posted: 14 April, 13:00 by Linear Kaos in New Music Releases,
The radio gaffe offered an unexpected mashup of techno and royalty that immediat...
Posted: 08 July, 17:15 by Linear Kaos in New Music Releases,
New York City has plans to fully live up to its iconic name....
Posted: 12 June, 15:43 by Linear Kaos in New Music Releases,
Please read the trigger warning before downloading this game, which depicts Skri...