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We Rave You, leading as one of the most prominent and reputable networks in the ...
The world's foremost authority on EDM : free music downloads, artist interviews,...
Posted: 04 June, 09:05 by Linear Kaos in New Music Releases,
Now available at a sale price of $49.99. The post Harrison Audio’s 32Classic C...
Posted: 04 June, 08:00 by Linear Kaos in New Music Releases,
With a Beatles connection, condenser-like clarity and a rugged exterior, the W...
Posted: 03 June, 19:11 by Linear Kaos in New Music Releases,
Travis Stewart dives deep on the production process for his album, 3FOR82, and...
Posted: 03 June, 14:08 by Linear Kaos in New Music Releases,
Strap in for a masterclass on some of the most innovative electronic music of ...
Posted: 03 June, 13:58 by Linear Kaos in New Music Releases,
Those who attend a Cercle Odyssey event will not be allowed to use their phone...
Posted: 03 June, 12:00 by Linear Kaos in New Music Releases,
Tickets were announced just last week but sold out entirely in one hour. The p...
Posted: 03 June, 09:42 by Linear Kaos in New Music Releases,
Spotify is notorious for its low royalty payments to artists. The post Spotify...
Posted: 31 May, 15:56 by Linear Kaos in New Music Releases,
Kaytranada is releasing a new album this June, featuring collabs with PinkPant...