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We Rave You, leading as one of the most prominent and reputable networks in the ...
The world's foremost authority on EDM : free music downloads, artist interviews,...
Posted: 14 May, 14:23 by Linear Kaos in New Music Releases,
Spectravox can process vocals, drums, synths and more, adding colourful tonal ...
Posted: 14 May, 10:31 by Linear Kaos in New Music Releases,
The music tech giant is also showcasing a new synth tuner, the ST1K, and the p...
Posted: 14 May, 10:00 by Linear Kaos in New Music Releases,
Learn how to add a bit of Kieran Hebden spice to your rhythm tracks with these...
Posted: 14 May, 09:34 by Linear Kaos in New Music Releases,
One of the first products with the AlphaTheta branding is sharper than it look...
Posted: 13 May, 14:44 by Linear Kaos in New Music Releases,
“I’ve long argued against the use of contracts in music... I think they favour...
Posted: 13 May, 12:11 by Linear Kaos in New Music Releases,
Experiment with 37 analogue-modelled on-board effects, including iconic compre...
Posted: 10 May, 16:08 by Linear Kaos in New Music Releases,
You won't need any hardware to run these UAD emulations of classic compressors...